01 - Establishment of the Database and Requirements

01 - Establishment of the Database and Requirements

One Connect Cloud Manual in Azure

Establishment of the Database and Requirements

Initial conditions

The Onibex OneConnect Cloud platform has a number of microservices that must persist for theworkspaces operation. Although workspaces can run standalone, there are certain functionalitiesof the platform that provide them with additional value to the customer.

Services are Java projects in Spring that performa JDBC connection implementing JPA and Hibernate for SQL queries.

It is suggested to use as an SQL database:

  • MariaDB
  • MySQL
InfoNote:Theoretically, the JPA standard and Hibernate implementation make it possible to use any type of supported database,as PostgreSQL or SQL Server. Although the platform has not been tested with these databases, they should work properly. Importanttake this into account when implementing implementation.


After the database has been selected and deployed, we are required:

  • URL for JDBC connection
  • Username and password to connect

These must be configured in the following Kubernetes manifestos:

  • auth-deployment.yaml
  • builder-deployment.yaml
  • cwcback-deployment.yaml
  • logs-deployment.yaml
  • metrics-deployment.yaml
As good practice, it is suggested to create an outline for each implementation, as shown in the following screenshot:

SQL scripts configured by Onibex

A .zip file with a series of scripts will be annexed in the final part of this documentation to carry the database of its initial stateto one similar to that shown in the screenshot, with outlines separated by projects and outlines.

The files referred to asrows contain the minimum initial data needed to start using the platform and must be executed in the scheme of the same name.
Auth-rows must be executed in the same scheme where auth-schema was executed.
Cwcback-schema - cwcback-rows.

Initial Credentials


User:administrator@oneconnect.comPassword: mzve$JQ@bg#zWmiDC3G$Jt

Default user:

User:poc@onibex.comPassword: mzve$JQ@bg#zWmiDC3G$Jt
InfoNote:In these logs-deployment.yaml archive the variables LOGHTTPSENDER_ENABLE and LOGEMAILSENDER_ENABLE to real or false to be reported.For shipment by http LOGHTTPSENDER_DESTINY, the necessary destination and authorization header must be placed.If you send logs by email, smtp credentials must be added in the "emailbuilder-deployment.yaml" file.

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