04 - OneConnect Deployment and Configuration

04 - OneConnect Deployment and Configuration

Deployment Deployment

Access to Workloads

  1. Enter the main portal of the Kubernetes cluster and go to the Workloads section.

  1. In the Workloads section, click the Create button and select the Apply YAML option.

Application of YAML

  1. On the empty YAML deployment screen.

  1. Locate the front-deployment.yaml file that was delivered by the Onibex specialist team.

  1. Take the contents of the front-deployment.yaml file, copy and paste it into the Apply YAML section in Azure. Then click the Add button.

Deployment visualization

A deployment will be created and can be displayed in the Workloads section after applying the YAML.

Settings of Services and Ingress

Access to Services and Ingress

  1. Go to the Services and Ingress section.

  1. Click the Create button and select Apply YAML.

Implementation of the Internal Load Balancer YAML

  1. Locate the fileinternallb-frontend.yamlwhich was delivered by the Onibex specialist team.

  1. Copy the contents of the fileinternallb-frontend.yaml,paste it in the Apply YAML section and click the Add button to apply.

Viewing and Using External IP

After the creation of the Internal Load Balancer, a service called internal-frontend will be seen. In this row, next to the internal IP, an additional IP will be displayed in the External IP column.This external IP must be used to access the portal on port 5050.


Welcome to OneConnect Cloud!

Your new OneConnect Cloud access portal in Azure, available on port 5050, is ready for use.

Example IP:http://00.00,000:505050

Creation of Workspaces

Log in to the One Connect Cloud platform with the following username and password:

Password: mzve$JQ@bg#zWmiDC3G$Jt

Add a new user to the one connect cloud platform

  1. Once inside the One Connect Cloud platform, go to the upper-left corner and click the menu button (three horizontal striped icon).

  1. When the sidewal bar is deployed, go to the Customers option, select it, and then click on the ADD+ in the upper-right corner.

  1. The process of adding a new user requires the following data:
- Last name

  1. Complete the fields and click Add.

  1. The new user will be displayed in CUSTOMERS with STATUS PENDING, i.e. it requires it to be accepted in order to be active.

  1. To activate it, you must click ACTIONS.

  1. Click ACCEPT to effectively activate the new user.

  1. Your new user was already accepted. You can check the change of Status as an ACTIVE in the Customers section.

Creating workspaces on the one connect cloud platform

Each account and user will be able to create Workspaces. It will then be displayed how an Administrator account Workspace is created and how it is created from a non-administrator user account.

Create a Workspace from the Administrator Account

  1. Enter the One Connect Cloud platform with your administrator username and password:
Password: mzve$JQ@bg#zWmiDC3G$Jt

  1. Double-click to enter the user to whom you want to add the new workspace. (or click on the arrow pointing to the right in the "Actions" section)

  1. When the sidewal bar is deployed, go to the Workspace option and click the Add Workspace button.

Create a Workspace from a Non-Administrator User Account

  1. Enter the One Connect Cloud platform with your non-administrator username and password.

  1. When the sidewal bar is deployed, go to the Workspace option and click on the + icon.

The process of creating workspace consists of 4 instances:
  1. It begins with the selection of the region where it is to be created. Click Next.
  1. Type a name for the new workspace, select the SAP Environment, type the user and password. Then click Next.

  1. In Connection Details, place the Boostrap Server number and Schema Registry URL. Click Next.

  1. In Settings, place the relevant information and press Finish to complete the process of creating a new workspace.

  1. Your new workspace will look like this:

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