OneConnect V2 SAP Integration The following manual configuration considers the fact that you have installed the version 2 of OneConnect in SAP, please make sure that you are using this version Install the Transport Install the transport request sent ...
Step by Step SAP Integration Manual. The following information provide a condensed overview of the comprehensive SAP Integration Manual. In this manual, you'll find detailed step-by-step instructions for seamless SAP integration. Here's a glimpse of ...
3. CONNECTION The One Connect system provides the capability to extract information from SAP and its transfer it to Kafka. This facilitates the creation of a requisite database for analysis, which serves as the foundation for generating financial ...
ENTIDADES GOLD DEL TABLERO DE INVENTARIOS El Tablero de Inventario está compuesto por entidades que consolidan información clave de órdenes de compra, órdenes de venta, órdenes de producción y tablas descriptivas (tablas TXT). Su objetivo es ...
ENTIDAD GOLD DE TABLERO DE FACTURAS También conocido como Tablero de Ventas, este modelo pertenece a la capa Gold de la arquitectura de medallón y está compuesto por la entidad BI_SILVER_SD_INVOICE_ECC. Su objetivo principal es proporcionar una ...