Establishment of the Database and Requirements

Establishment of the Database and Requirements

One Connect Cloud Manual in Azure

Establishment of the Database and Requirements

Initial conditions

The Onibex OneConnect Cloud platform has a number of microservices that must persist for theworkspaces operation. Although workspaces can run standalone, there are certain functionalitiesof the platform that provide them with additional value to the customer.

Services are Java projects in Spring that performa JDBC connection implementing JPA and Hibernate for SQL queries.

It is suggested to use as an SQL database:

  • MariaDB
  • MySQL
InfoNote:Theoretically, the JPA standard and Hibernate implementation make it possible to use any type of supported database,as PostgreSQL or SQL Server. Although the platform has not been tested with these databases, they should work properly. Importanttake this into account when implementing implementation.


  1. Download the following file:

Deployment Steps

1. Extract the SQL Archive

Before proceeding, extract the file:

Enter to the file:

2. .env File configuration

The .env file contains the necessary variables for database setup, edit this file as needed before running the script.

For deployment in Kubernetes, set the variable KUBERNETES_MODE to true

3. Run the Script

Before executing the script, assing execution permissions: 
chmod +x

Run the Script
This process loads the variables from .env file, verifies the database type and corresponding container and executes SQL scripts to create and populate the database.

If you are unable to execute the script, make sure to install dos2unix and then run the script again. You can install it and convert the script using the following commands:
sudo apt-get install dos2unix
sudo yum install dos2unix

Initial Credentials

Password: mzve$JQ@bg#zWmiDC3G$Jt
Default user:
Password: mzve$JQ@bg#zWmiDC3G$Jt

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